SVM-Light interface for MATLAB/Octave
SVM-Light Support Vector Machineよりsvm-light.tar.gzをダウンロード.
$ cd {Your downloaded directory} $ mkdir svm_light $ mv svm_light.tar.gz svm_light/. $ gunzip -c svm_light.tar.gz | tar xvf - $ cd svm_ligth $ make
$ sudo mv svm_learn /usr/local/bin/. $ sudo mv svm_classify /usr/local/bin/.
$ export PATH=~/Myfunc/svm_light/:$PATH
$ svm_learn Not enough input parameters! SVM-light V6.XX: Support Vector Machine, learning module ...
SVM-Light wrapper for MATLAB and Octave
for svm_learn
for svm_classify
Sample code for test
function [out svm] = svm_learn(X, y, opt, samplefile, outfile) % SVM-Light interface for MATLAB/Octave (svm_learn). % % INPUTS % - X: d by N data matrix as [x_1 x_2, ..., x_N], % where x_n is a feature vector in larning dataset. % - y: N-dimensional label row vector, y_i in {-1, +1}. % - opt: options for learning. % Learning options % c [float]: soft margin (def. (mean(x*x)^{-1}) % j [float]: Cost: cost-factor, by which training errors on % postive examples out weighte erros on negative % example (def. = 1) % b {0, 1}: if 1, uses biased hyperplane (i.e. w'*x + b) % if 0, uses unbiased hyperplane (i.e. w'*x) % (def. = 1) % i {0, 1}: remove inconsistent training examples and retrain % (def. 0) % Transduction options % p [0, 1]: fraction of unlabeled examples to be classified % into the positive class (default is the ratio of % positive and negative examples in the training % data) % Kernel options % t {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}: type of kernel function % 0: linear % 1: polynomial % 2: radial basis function (RBF) % 3: sigmoid tanh % 4: user defined kernel from kernel.h % d [int]: parameter d in polynimial kernel % g [float]: parameter gamma in RBF kernel % s [float]: parameter c in sigmoid/polynomial kernel % u [string]: parameter of user dfined kernel kernel % Optimization options % q [2, inf]: maximum size of QP-subprblems (default 10) % n [2, q]: number of new variables entering the working set % in each iteration (def. n = q). % Set n < q to prevent zig-zagging % m [5, inf]: size of cache for kernel evaluations in MB % (def. = 40). The larger the faster calculating % e [float]: Allow that error for termination criterion % y(w'*x + b) - 1 = e (def. = 0.001) % h [5, inf]: number of iterations a variable needs to be % optimal before considered for shrinking % (def. = 100) % f {0, 1}: do final optimality check for variables removed % by shrinking. Akthough this test is usually positive, % there is no guarantee that the optimum was found if % the test is omitted (def. = 1) % y [string]: if option is given, reads alphas from file with % given and uses them as starting point. % (def. 'disabled') % # [int]: terminate optimization, if no prgress after % this number of iterations (def = 100000) % %% temporary files if exist('samplefile', 'var') == 0 samplefile = tempname(pwd); end if exist('outfile', 'var') == 0 outfile = tempname(pwd); end % %% options opt_all = ['c' 'w' 'j' 'b' 'i' 'p' 't' 'd' 'g' 's' 'r' 'u',... 'q' 'n' 'm' 'e' 'h' 'f' 'y' '#']'; opt_type = ['f' 'f' 'f' 'd' 'd' 'f' 'd' 'd' 'f' 'f' 'f' 's',... 'f' 'd' 'd' 'f' 'd' 'd' 's' 'd']'; input_opt = cell2mat(fieldnames(opt)); Nopt = length(input_opt); opt_str = ''; for ii = 1:Nopt input_val = eval(sprintf('opt.%s', input_opt(ii))); opt_str = make_opt(input_opt(ii), input_val,... opt_all, opt_type, opt_str); end % % write sample file [d N] = size(X); fid = fopen(samplefile, 'w'); if fid < 0 error(sprintf('cannot open %s', samplefile)); end for ii = 1:N fprintf(fid, '%d ', y(ii)); fprintf(fid, '%d:%e ', [[1:d]; X(:, ii)']); fprintf(fid, '\n'); end fclose(fid); %system(sprintf('cat %s', samplefile)) % % excute svm_learn sysc = sprintf('svm_learn -v 0 -z c %s %s %s',... opt_str, samplefile, outfile); [a b] = system(sysc); delete(samplefile) % % read output file of svm_learn to cell array %system(sprintf('cat %s', outfile)) fid = fopen(outfile, 'r'); if fid < 0 error(sprintf('cannot open %s', outfile)); end cnt = 1; outl1 = 0; while outl1 ~= -1; outl1 = fgetl(fid); if outl1 ~= -1 out{cnt} = outl1; cnt = cnt + 1; end end fclose(fid); delete(outfile); % % read w and b svm.version = out{1}; svm.kernel = str2num(strtok(out{2}, ' ')); svm.d = str2num(strtok(out{3}, ' ')); svm.g = str2num(strtok(out{4}, ' ')); svm.s = str2num(strtok(out{5}, ' ')); svm.r = str2num(strtok(out{6}, ' ')); svm.u = strtok(out{7}, '#'); svm.d = str2num(strtok(out{8}, ' ')); svm.N = str2num(strtok(out{9}, ' ')); svm.Nsv = str2num(strtok(out{10}, ' ')) - 1; svm.b = str2num(strtok(out{11}, ' ')); alpha = zeros(1, svm.Nsv); sv = zeros(svm.d, svm.Nsv); for ii=1:svm.Nsv val = out{ii + 11}; % SVs are written from line 12; val(val==':')= ' '; val(val=='#')= ' '; val = str2num(val); alpha(ii) = val(1); sv(:, ii) = val(3:2:end)'; end svm.w = alpha*sv'; %% ================================== %% making string for options function str = make_opt(name, val, opt_all, opt_type, str) egs = findstr(opt_all, name); if length(egs) == 1 type_str = sprintf('%%%s', opt_type(egs)); str = sprintf(['%s -%s ' type_str], str, name, val); else error('Invalid option is inputted') end
function [labs z] = svm_classify(X, y, model, samplefile, outfile, modelfile) % SVM-Light interface for MATLAB/Octave (svm_classify). % % INPUTS % - X: d by N data matrix as [x_1 x_2, ..., x_N], % where x_n is a feature vector in test samples. % - y: N-dimensional label row vector, y_i in {-1, +1}. % - model: Model of SVM. % %% temporary files if exist('samplefile', 'var') == 0 samplefile = tempname(pwd); end if exist('outfile', 'var') == 0 outfile = tempname(pwd); end if exist('modelfile', 'var') == 0 modelfile = tempname(pwd); end % %% correct labels [d N] = size(X); if length(y) == 0 y = zeros(1, N); end % % write sample file fid = fopen(samplefile, 'w'); if fid < 0 error(sprintf('cannot open %s', samplefile)); end for ii = 1:N fprintf(fid, '%d ', y(ii)); fprintf(fid, '%d:%e ', [[1:d]; X(:, ii)']); fprintf(fid, '\n'); end fclose(fid); % % write model file fid = fopen(modelfile, 'w'); if fid < 0 error(sprintf('cannot open %s', modelfile)); end Nml = size(model, 2); for ii = 1:Nml fprintf(fid, '%s', model{ii}); fprintf(fid, '\n'); end fclose(fid); %system(sprintf('cat %s', modelfile)) % % excute svm_classify sysc = sprintf('svm_classify -v 0 %s %s %s',... samplefile, modelfile, outfile); [a b] = system(sysc); delete(samplefile) delete(modelfile) %system(sprintf('cat %s', outfile)) % % read out file fid = fopen(outfile, 'r'); if fid < 0 error(sprintf('cannot open %s', outfile)); end cnt = 1; outl1 = 0; while outl1 ~= -1; outl1 = fgetl(fid); if outl1 ~= -1 z(1, cnt) = str2num(outl1); cnt = cnt + 1; end end fclose(fid); delete(outfile); labs(find(z < 0)) = -1; labs(find(z >= 0)) = 1;
clear all randn('state',1); N = 20; % number of samples for a class X1 = randn(2, N) + [2 2]'*ones(1, N); X2 = randn(2, N) + [0 0]'*ones(1, N); %X1 = randn(2, N); %X1 = X1./repmat(sqrt(diag(X1'*X1))', 2, 1) + .5*randn(2, N); %X2 = randn(2, N); %X2 = X2./repmat(sqrt(diag(X2'*X2))'*.5, 2, 1) + .5*randn(2, N); X = [X1 X2]; % input learning samples y = [ones(1, N) -1*ones(1, N)]; % input learning labels % options for SVM opt.t = 0; % 0: linear, 1: polynomial, 2: radial basis function (RBF), % 3: sigmoid tanh, 4: user defined kernel from kernel.h opt.b = 1; % use bias opt.g = 1; % gamma for RBF kernel opt.d = 2; % order for polynomial kernel opt.c = 10; % soft margin parameter % svm learn [out svm] = svm_learn(X, y, opt); % svm classify for training accuracy [out_label z] = svm_classify(X, [], out); acc = length(find((out_label - y) == 0))/(2*N); fprintf('training accuracy: %.2f%%\n', acc*100) % plot hyperplane x = -4:0.1:4; [XX YY] = meshgrid(x); Xmesh(1, :) = reshape(XX, 1, prod(size(XX))); Xmesh(2, :) = reshape(YY, 1, prod(size(XX))); [out_label z] = svm_classify(Xmesh, [], out); Xmesh1 = Xmesh(:, find(out_label == 1)); Xmesh2 = Xmesh(:, find(out_label == -1)); %% plot results plot(Xmesh1(1, :), Xmesh1(2, :), 'y.',... Xmesh2(1, :), Xmesh2(2, :), 'r.',... X1(1, :), X1(2, :), 'o', 'linewidth', 5,... X2(1, :), X2(2, :), 's', 'linewidth', 5) grid on axis([-4 4 -4 4]) xlabel('x(1)') ylabel('x(2)')
X1 = randn(2, N) + [2 2]'*ones(1, N); X2 = randn(2, N) + [0 0]'*ones(1, N);
X1 = randn(2, N); X1 = X1./repmat(sqrt(diag(X1'*X1))', 2, 1) + .5*randn(2, N); X2 = randn(2, N); X2 = X2./repmat(sqrt(diag(X2'*X2))'*.5, 2, 1) + .5*randn(2, N);
LIBSVMにもMATLAB interfaceがあるようなので,それも試してみる予定.